About MIPA
The Malaysian Intellectual Property Association (MIPA) was registered as a Society under the Societies Act 1966 on 21st December 1989 vide Registration No. 1017/89.
The objects of MIPA are as follows:
To foster ties of mutual friendship and understanding among those who are practising in the field of intellectual and industrial property law and through such ties to promote the proper protection and development of intellectual and industrial property law in Malaysia and in the Asian region.
To regulate through by-laws or otherwise the professional practice, etiquette, conduct and discipline of the Members.
To consider all manner of questions affecting intellectual and industrial property law and/or the interest of the Association.
To engage in activities in conjunction with other bodies or associations within the limits of the Association's objects and to arrange reciprocal concession and co-operation with other such bodies and associations.
To arrange social and recreational activities for Members of the Association and generally by all manner of means to promote knowledge of intellectual and industrial property law by lectures, discussions, books, correspondences, pamphlets, dissemination of information or otherwise.
To seek affiliation with Regional or International bodies with objects similar to the objects of the Association and to participate in the activities of such Regional or International bodies. Generally, MIPA caters for the interests of owners, practitioners and teachers of Intellectual Property Rights and related rights. MIPA representatives sit on committees relating to IP legislation and enforcement in the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs. In addition, MIPA works closely with the Division of Intellectual Property in that Ministry. MIPA has also been recognised as the NGO for Malaysia by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO). Under MIPA's umbrella functions the country group of the Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA) and the ASEAN Intellectual Property Association (ASEAN IPA).